Material and methods


Parameters used for this analysis
datatype proteome
dataset fa
epsilon 0.1
forceDownload FALSE
undetectedLimit 100
filePrefix pavkovic2019_proteome_fa_
[1] 8044   10
 [1] "normal_1" "normal_2" "day1_1"   "day1_2"   "day2_1"   "day2_2"   "day7_1"   "day7_2"   "day14_1"  "day14_2" 
First rows of the data matrix
normal_1 normal_2 day1_1 day1_2 day2_1 day2_2 day7_1 day7_2 day14_1 day14_2
ENSMUSG00000037686 9.074107 9.004221 8.396524 8.460642 7.543358 7.898095 7.408463 7.611362 7.594110 7.924550
ENSMUSG00000027831 7.867928 7.784098 7.459918 7.428059 7.799405 7.640674 7.697335 7.819737 7.833291 7.280241
ENSMUSG00000039201 4.919638 4.769868 5.856594 5.695505 6.250616 6.111805 5.325407 5.004578 4.812991 5.057171
ENSMUSG00000031095 11.979430 11.722994 11.998335 11.883829 12.161338 12.170381 12.009147 12.243316 12.037636 12.029025
ENSMUSG00000034931 9.769235 9.674498 9.843766 9.879726 9.923981 9.936608 10.043512 9.928562 9.915093 9.819190
ENSMUSG00000038208 6.243681 6.303451 5.860863 6.404236 6.307760 6.355272 6.636115 6.641220 6.392972 6.170323



Eigen values of the PCs
eigenvalue percentage of variance cumulative percentage of variance
comp 1 606.51636 56.306102 56.30610
comp 2 251.71246 23.367791 79.67389
comp 3 67.43145 6.260016 85.93391
comp 4 44.90736 4.168986 90.10290
comp 5 26.20929 2.433146 92.53604
comp 6 24.37324 2.262696 94.79874
comp 7 22.35638 2.075460 96.87420
comp 8 18.43731 1.711632 98.58583
comp 9 15.23312 1.414170 100.00000
Coordonates of the features in the PC space
Dim.1 Dim.2 Dim.3 Dim.4 Dim.5 Dim.6 Dim.7 Dim.8 Dim.9
ENSMUSG00000037686 0.5602567 -0.0695260 0.0829844 0.0230604 -0.0244854 -0.0529326 0.0175894 -0.0545825 0.0312909
ENSMUSG00000027831 -0.0268473 -0.0428831 0.1005814 0.1174449 -0.0299994 -0.0266777 0.0007058 0.0157059 -0.0949374
ENSMUSG00000039201 -0.0638299 0.5087985 -0.0664831 0.0348704 0.0387480 0.0533996 -0.0583329 0.0239771 0.0220538
ENSMUSG00000031095 -0.1030284 0.0446238 -0.0159905 0.0159499 0.0210804 -0.0439426 -0.0188236 -0.0548504 -0.0362927
ENSMUSG00000034931 -0.0852404 0.0316188 0.0253286 -0.0069091 0.0108797 0.0140832 -0.0025666 -0.0032059 0.0128727
ENSMUSG00000038208 -0.1338140 -0.0516643 0.0725614 0.0786191 -0.0445291 -0.0110313 0.0894065 -0.0079813 0.0574955
Coordinates of the individuals in the variable space
Dim.1 Dim.2 Dim.3 Dim.4 Dim.5 Dim.6 Dim.7 Dim.8 Dim.9
normal_1 34.420376 -10.595090 9.6091387 6.2102260 5.6634490 0.6509477 -1.2740605 -7.1291849 -2.145107
normal_2 37.996171 -16.459654 -2.4550846 5.6725013 -8.4996304 -0.7169252 0.0193776 5.9068331 1.014266
day1_1 20.160709 17.358313 1.0450993 -13.4644331 -2.6142332 0.2919571 -6.9089453 -0.0249585 -3.218958
day1_2 16.470097 15.509316 3.6790390 -5.7959211 1.7879874 1.2732947 10.8538757 0.5453522 4.229374
day2_1 -12.892119 22.418951 -7.7540613 9.2511401 -0.5073773 5.9126144 1.9212908 0.6999172 -5.913915
day2_2 -8.627622 19.783561 -0.2922252 6.7979005 3.7748811 -8.3590432 -4.8463322 1.9211309 4.984201
day7_1 -33.508194 -6.391523 10.0724149 0.3733335 -2.9401694 8.5632004 -3.6773246 -0.0612934 4.836156
day7_2 -30.738656 -6.669942 0.9637777 -1.3423506 -7.6873175 -7.3442106 3.5574998 -5.8294952 -2.257436
day14_1 -21.118523 -18.444311 4.5701275 -3.6995666 7.0523093 -2.2516599 1.3980362 7.0997749 -4.571015
day14_2 -2.162239 -16.509621 -19.4382259 -4.0028299 3.9701011 1.9798247 -1.0434173 -3.1280762 3.042433

Negative control

We would like to check that the structuration of differs from what would be expected by chance. For this, we can use an empirical approach: randomise the dataset by shuffling its values, and run the PCA again.

Shuffled matrix

The simplest wway to do this is to shufle all the values of the table, by applying the command sample() on the data frame x.

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Correlation between columns (samples) of the original expression matrix.
normal_1 normal_2 day1_1 day1_2 day2_1 day2_2 day7_1 day7_2 day14_1 day14_2
normal_1 1.0000000 0.9919038 0.9779548 0.9796817 0.9471940 0.9564886 0.9328708 0.9347125 0.9513990 0.9668757
normal_2 0.9919038 1.0000000 0.9726016 0.9728881 0.9395325 0.9471756 0.9234387 0.9284722 0.9453908 0.9685007
day1_1 0.9779548 0.9726016 1.0000000 0.9935187 0.9747140 0.9801014 0.9474768 0.9507433 0.9542045 0.9682995
day1_2 0.9796817 0.9728881 0.9935187 1.0000000 0.9793634 0.9835448 0.9541723 0.9570625 0.9605813 0.9708474
day2_1 0.9471940 0.9395325 0.9747140 0.9793634 1.0000000 0.9933910 0.9753701 0.9772008 0.9691986 0.9710011
day2_2 0.9564886 0.9471756 0.9801014 0.9835448 0.9933910 1.0000000 0.9756376 0.9779807 0.9727696 0.9720635
day7_1 0.9328708 0.9234387 0.9474768 0.9541723 0.9753701 0.9756376 1.0000000 0.9932936 0.9901542 0.9715261
day7_2 0.9347125 0.9284722 0.9507433 0.9570625 0.9772008 0.9779807 0.9932936 1.0000000 0.9906668 0.9772792
day14_1 0.9513990 0.9453908 0.9542045 0.9605813 0.9691986 0.9727696 0.9901542 0.9906668 1.0000000 0.9841713
day14_2 0.9668757 0.9685007 0.9682995 0.9708474 0.9710011 0.9720635 0.9715261 0.9772792 0.9841713 1.0000000
Correlation between columns of the shuffled expression matrix
shufMat1 shufMat2 shufMat3 shufMat4 shufMat5 shufMat6 shufMat7 shufMat8 shufMat9 shufMat10
shufMat1 1.0000000 -0.0248187 -0.0005062 0.0167536 0.0078892 -0.0068962 -0.0176948 0.0167558 -0.0043146 0.0017627
shufMat2 -0.0248187 1.0000000 -0.0129004 0.0022150 0.0020933 -0.0065190 0.0013577 -0.0039026 -0.0062836 0.0056548
shufMat3 -0.0005062 -0.0129004 1.0000000 -0.0075904 -0.0167126 0.0047331 -0.0194989 -0.0009989 -0.0058640 -0.0128864
shufMat4 0.0167536 0.0022150 -0.0075904 1.0000000 -0.0105706 -0.0264597 -0.0013484 0.0015994 0.0034866 -0.0036453
shufMat5 0.0078892 0.0020933 -0.0167126 -0.0105706 1.0000000 -0.0090114 0.0188795 0.0128834 0.0116799 -0.0077141
shufMat6 -0.0068962 -0.0065190 0.0047331 -0.0264597 -0.0090114 1.0000000 0.0008281 0.0068692 -0.0122195 -0.0039007
shufMat7 -0.0176948 0.0013577 -0.0194989 -0.0013484 0.0188795 0.0008281 1.0000000 0.0136776 0.0038547 0.0169533
shufMat8 0.0167558 -0.0039026 -0.0009989 0.0015994 0.0128834 0.0068692 0.0136776 1.0000000 0.0045827 -0.0113638
shufMat9 -0.0043146 -0.0062836 -0.0058640 0.0034866 0.0116799 -0.0122195 0.0038547 0.0045827 1.0000000 -0.0031171
shufMat10 0.0017627 0.0056548 -0.0128864 -0.0036453 -0.0077141 -0.0039007 0.0169533 -0.0113638 -0.0031171 1.0000000
Negative control 1: eigen values of PCs from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Negative control 1: eigen values of PCs from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Negative control 1: PC plots from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Negative control 1: PC plots from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Negative control 1: PC plots from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Negative control 1: PC plots from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Negative control 1: PC plots from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Negative control 1: PC plots from a data matrix with shuffled values.

Row-wise shuffled matrix

A more refined appoach is to shuffle the values inside each row of the x data frame, by cmbining apply() and sample().

Note that this approach will preserve a quite high correlation between the columns of the matrix, which will reflect the gene-specific level of expressions (some genes have very high levels across all conditons, and some others very low levels across all conditions). However the values will now be sampled independently of the studied factor (the impact of the time point). Consequently, the row-wise shuffled matrix will have data distributions that better reflects those of biological data, so that this control can be considered as a more suitable than the whole matrix shuffling.

[1] 8044   10

72317  8123 
Row-wise shuffling of the values removes the sample-specific information whilst  preserving the mean of each feature.

Row-wise shuffling of the values removes the sample-specific information whilst preserving the mean of each feature.

Correlation between columns of the row-wise shuffled expression matrix
shufRow 1 shufRow 2 shufRow 3 shufRow 4 shufRow 5 shufRow 6 shufRow 7 shufRow 8 shufRow 9 shufRow 10
shufRow 1 1.0000000 0.9662502 0.9662541 0.9655092 0.9646211 0.9658989 0.9657678 0.9653788 0.9651178 0.9656101
shufRow 2 0.9662502 1.0000000 0.9680615 0.9668726 0.9653749 0.9658288 0.9662572 0.9678591 0.9663942 0.9668575
shufRow 3 0.9662541 0.9680615 1.0000000 0.9684497 0.9665600 0.9659214 0.9660011 0.9671768 0.9673919 0.9676081
shufRow 4 0.9655092 0.9668726 0.9684497 1.0000000 0.9672470 0.9683681 0.9652249 0.9674407 0.9667318 0.9689265
shufRow 5 0.9646211 0.9653749 0.9665600 0.9672470 1.0000000 0.9664240 0.9664619 0.9662762 0.9670899 0.9680278
shufRow 6 0.9658989 0.9658288 0.9659214 0.9683681 0.9664240 1.0000000 0.9653366 0.9667213 0.9658113 0.9673918
shufRow 7 0.9657678 0.9662572 0.9660011 0.9652249 0.9664619 0.9653366 1.0000000 0.9660601 0.9661718 0.9685299
shufRow 8 0.9653788 0.9678591 0.9671768 0.9674407 0.9662762 0.9667213 0.9660601 1.0000000 0.9667838 0.9676198
shufRow 9 0.9651178 0.9663942 0.9673919 0.9667318 0.9670899 0.9658113 0.9661718 0.9667838 1.0000000 0.9676061
shufRow 10 0.9656101 0.9668575 0.9676081 0.9689265 0.9680278 0.9673918 0.9685299 0.9676198 0.9676061 1.0000000
Negative control 2: eigen values of PCs from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Negative control 2: eigen values of PCs from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Negative control 2: PC plots from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Negative control 2: PC plots from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Negative control 2: PC plots from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Negative control 2: PC plots from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Negative control 2: PC plots from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Negative control 2: PC plots from a data matrix with row-wise shuffled values.

Conclusions et perspectives
