
Integrative bioinformatics course of the Diplôme Universitaire en Bioinformatique Integrative (DU-Bii)

View the Project on GitHub DU-Bii/module-6-Integrative-Bioinformatics

Session 3: Semantic Web and knowledge graphs


Teacher: Alban Gaignard (

No background is required, please interact between participants and with teacher/helper.


This session is planned Wednesday, the 31st of March at 9h30, for 3 hours with the following agenda:

Practical instructions

Most of the hands-on sessions can be realized with online web resources/interfaces. Pen and paper will also be very important to draw knowledge graphs and draft graph patterns.

A basic python environment is enough to code. A convenient way of setting it up is to configure a conda environment. As soon as conda is installed on your machine, use the following commands to install RDFlib and Jupyter packages.

conda create --name dubii python=3.9 rdflib jupyter -c conda-forge

If you have troubles with conda, click on Binder. This will launch a “virtual machine” on the cloud and give you an interactive Jupyter environment.

See you soon on Wednesday 31/03 at 9:30 !