## Define parameters for the analysis
parameters <- list(
epsilon = 0.1,
gene.filter.min.count = 10,
gene.filter.percent.zeros = 95,
gzip.output.files = TRUE,
alpha = 0.01,
p.adjust.method = "fdr"
kable(t(data.frame(parameters)), col.names = "Parameter value")
Parameter value | |
epsilon | 0.1 |
gene.filter.min.count | 10 |
gene.filter.percent.zeros | 95 |
gzip.output.files | TRUE |
alpha | 0.01 |
p.adjust.method | fdr |
Recount2 (https://jhubiostatistics.shinyapps.io/recount/) is a database rasembling several thousands of human RNA-seq studies, that were all processed with a same workflow in order to ensure the consistency of the transcriptome measurements. Recount2 provides direct access to tables of raw counts per gene, exon or transcript.
# Install BiocManager if required
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# Install recount if required
if (!require(recount)) {
BiocManager::install("recount", version = "3.8")
# BiocManager::valid()
## Set the working directory
workdir <- "~/TCGA_import"
dir.create(workdir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
## Select a TCGA project
selected.project <- "Breast Invasive Carcinoma"
project.acronym <- "BIC"
message("\tSelected TCGA project\t", selected.project, " (", project.acronym, ")")
export.dir <- file.path(workdir, "data", project.acronym)
message("\tExport directory\t", export.dir)
dir.create(export.dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
The downloaded and processed data will be saved in a working directory named TCGA_import in the user home folder (``r workdir). If required this directory is created automatically.
## Download the TCGA data from Recount2 database
## Set the recoutnID (to "TCGA")
recountID <- "TCGA"
# Specify the download directory
download.dir <- file.path(workdir, "downloads", recountID)
dir.create(download.dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
## Data types to download
#download.types <- c("phenotype", "counts-gene", "rse-gene")
download.types <- c("rse-gene") # the rse-gene object contains both expression and pheno tables
localFiles <- c()
for (type in download.types) {
message("Recount data type: ", type)
## Get the URL of the recount file
## (its extension will depend on the data type)
recountURL <- download_study(
outdir = download.dir,
type = type,
download = FALSE)
message("\trecountURLL: ", recountURL)
## Define the local file name
localFile <- file.path(download.dir, basename(recountURL))
message("\tlocalFile: ", localFile)
## Index local file for later use
localFiles[type] <- localFile
## Download the data only if required
if (!file.exists(localFile)) {
message("\tDowloading ", type, " from ReCount for study ", recountID)
url <- download_study(
outdir = download.dir,
type = type)
} else {
message("\tfile already there: ", localFile)
## Download the gene-level RangedSummarizedExperiment data
# download_study(project = "TCGA", type = "counts-gene", outdir = download.dir)
We downloaded the following file types from Recount2: rse-gene.
# ## Choose a way to load the data.
# ## either from the Rdata file or from the TSV files .
# loadRdata <- TRUE
# if (loadRdata) {
## Load the RData memory image provided by Recount2, whcih contains the count table + pheno table
message("Loading TCGA data from Recount")
## Extract the pheno table from the rse-gene object
phenoTable <- colData(rse_gene) ## phenotype per run
project.name <- "Breast invasive carcinoma"
message("Identifying samples for project ", project.name)
project.samples <- phenoTable$gdc_cases.tissue_source_site.project == project.name
message("\tNumber of project samples: ", sum(project.samples))
## Select the columns relevant for the Breast cancer study
immuno.columns <- c(
ER = "xml_breast_carcinoma_estrogen_receptor_status",
PR = "xml_breast_carcinoma_progesterone_receptor_status",
HER2 = "xml_lab_proc_her2_neu_immunohistochemistry_receptor_status")
message("Immuno marker columns:\n\t", paste(collapse = "\n\t", immuno.columns))
## Only keep project samples with valid markers (i.e. Negative or Positive), discard Undertermined, Equivocal and NA
valid.markers <- c("Negative", "Positive")
message("Selecting samples with valid immuno markers: ", paste(collapse = ", ", valid.markers))
valid.samples <-
project.samples &
apply(is.na(phenoTable[, immuno.columns]), 1, sum) == 0 &
phenoTable[, immuno.columns["ER"]] %in% valid.markers &
phenoTable[, immuno.columns["PR"]] %in% valid.markers &
phenoTable[, immuno.columns["HER2"]] %in% valid.markers
# table(valid.samples)
message("\tvalid samples: ", sum(valid.samples))
## Subset the expression data by selecting the valid samples
message("Extracting expression data for valid samples")
rse.valid.samples <- subset(rse_gene, select = valid.samples)
# dim(rse.valid.samples)
## Extract a pheno table for the subset
pheno <- colData(rse.valid.samples)
# dim(pheno.valid.samples)
## Scale counts by mapped reads, in order to to get read counts per gene
#rse.valid.samples.scaled <- scale_counts(rse.valid.samples, by = "mapped_reads")
# summary(assay(rse.valid.samples.scaled)[,1:7])
## Extract the count table from the rse-gene object
message("Extracting counts per gene")
counts.per.gene <- assay(rse.valid.samples)
# summary(counts.per.gene[, 1:10])
# dim(counts.per.gene)
# dim(phenoTable)
## NOTE: this phenoTable is a complex object: a DataFrame whose cells may be a list containing a table.
## To avoid messing around, I prefer to use the TSV version of the pheno table.
# dim(pheno)
# class(pheno)
# # dim(countTable)
# } else {
# ## Load the data from the TSV files downloaded from Recount2
# ## Load the TCGA count table.
# ## We use gzfile to directly load the zgipped file,
# ## and data.table:::fread() to accelerate the reading.
# ## system.time(counts.per.gene <- read.delim(file = gzfile(localFiles["counts-gene"]))) ## This takes 430 seconds
# message("Loading counts per gene")
# system.time(counts.per.gene <- fread(file = localFiles["counts-gene"]))
# # This takes 29 seconds
# ## Load the TCGA pheno table
# message("Reading phenotype table")
# pheno <- read.delim(file = localFiles["phenotype"])
# # dim(pheno)
# # dim(counts.per.gene)
# }
message("Selected dataset (project and valid markers)")
message("\tRead count table contains ", nrow(counts.per.gene), " rows (genes) x ", ncol(counts.per.gene), " columns (samples). ")
message("\tPheno table contains ", nrow(pheno), " rows (samples) x ", ncol(pheno), " columns (sample attributes). ")
The full TCGA gene count table contains 819 samples (columns) and 58037 genes (rows).
kable(sort(table(phenoTable$gdc_cases.project.name), decreasing = TRUE),
caption = "Number of samples per TGCA project. ",
col.names = c("Project","samples"))
Project | samples |
Breast Invasive Carcinoma | 1246 |
Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma | 616 |
Lung Adenocarcinoma | 601 |
Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma | 589 |
Thyroid Carcinoma | 572 |
Prostate Adenocarcinoma | 558 |
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma | 555 |
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma | 548 |
Colon Adenocarcinoma | 546 |
Brain Lower Grade Glioma | 532 |
Skin Cutaneous Melanoma | 473 |
Stomach Adenocarcinoma | 453 |
Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma | 433 |
Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma | 430 |
Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma | 424 |
Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma | 323 |
Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma | 309 |
Sarcoma | 265 |
Esophageal Carcinoma | 198 |
Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma | 187 |
Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma | 183 |
Rectum Adenocarcinoma | 177 |
Glioblastoma Multiforme | 175 |
Testicular Germ Cell Tumors | 156 |
Acute Myeloid Leukemia | 126 |
Thymoma | 122 |
Kidney Chromophobe | 91 |
Mesothelioma | 87 |
Uveal Melanoma | 80 |
Adrenocortical Carcinoma | 79 |
Uterine Carcinosarcoma | 57 |
Lymphoid Neoplasm Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma | 48 |
Cholangiocarcinoma | 45 |
For the study case, we select the project 1246, which contains 1246 samples.
The class of cancer is defined by combining three immunological markers:
The tables below provide summaries of the marker status for all samples.
project.markers <- phenoTable[project.samples, immuno.columns]
colnames(project.markers) <- names(immuno.columns)
: 0 : 0 : 0
Indeterminate: 3 Indeterminate: 5 Equivocal :201
Negative :273 Negative :387 Indeterminate: 12
Positive :910 Positive :793 Negative :636
NA's : 60 NA's : 61 Positive :190
NA's :207
Marker status summary after having discarded invalid values.
valid.markers <- phenoTable[valid.samples, immuno.columns]
colnames(valid.markers) <- names(immuno.columns)
: 0 : 0 : 0
Indeterminate: 0 Indeterminate: 0 Equivocal : 0
Negative :184 Negative :267 Indeterminate: 0
Positive :635 Positive :552 Negative :631
Positive :188
We discard the samples for which any of the markers is undefined (NA
), “Indeterminate” or “Equivocal”. In total, this leaves us with 819 samples.
We then assign a class label to each sample, indicating its cancer subtype, which is assigned based on the combination of the three immunological markers.
## Define sample classes based on the combination of 3 marker values
pheno$cancer.type <- rep("Unclassified", length.out = nrow(pheno))
luminal.A <-
pheno[, immuno.columns["ER"]] == "Positive" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["PR"]] == "Positive" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["HER2"]] == "Negative"
pheno[luminal.A, "cancer.type"] <- "Luminal.A"
luminal.B <-
pheno[, immuno.columns["ER"]] == "Positive" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["PR"]] == "Positive" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["HER2"]] == "Positive"
pheno[luminal.B, "cancer.type"] <- "Luminal.B"
her2plus <-
pheno[, immuno.columns["ER"]] == "Negative" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["PR"]] == "Negative" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["HER2"]] == "Positive"
pheno[her2plus, "cancer.type"] <- "HER2pos"
basal.like <-
pheno[, immuno.columns["ER"]] == "Negative" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["PR"]] == "Negative" &
pheno[, immuno.columns["HER2"]] == "Negative"
pheno[basal.like, "cancer.type"] <- "Basal.like"
kable(sort(decreasing = TRUE, table(pheno[, "cancer.type"])), useNA = "ifany", caption = "Number of samples per cancer subtype. Cancer subtypes were defined based on the combination of HER2, ER and PR markers. ")
Var1 | Freq |
Luminal.A | 422 |
Basal.like | 131 |
Luminal.B | 118 |
Unclassified | 107 |
HER2pos | 41 |
## Get the identifiers of the selected samples
selected.sample.ids <- rownames(pheno)
# summary(selected.sample.ids %in% colnames(counts.per.gene))
# summary(colnames(counts.per.gene) %in% selected.sample.ids)
## Get the subset of the big count table corresponding to our selected IDs
## Note the special notation due to the specific class of the fread() result.
# if (!loadRdata) {
# selected.counts <- as.data.frame(counts.per.gene[, ..selected.sample.ids])
# }
# dim(selected.counts)
# summary(selected.counts[, 1:10])
# summary(counts.per.gene[, 1:10])
## Discard genes having zeros in at least 95% of samples
message("Applying threshold on the percent of non-zero counts per gene: ", parameters$gene.filter.percent.zeros, "%")
percent.zeros <- 100*apply(counts.per.gene == 0, 1, sum) / ncol(counts.per.gene)
hist(percent.zeros, breaks = 20, col = "#DDDDDD",
main = "Filter on the percentage of zero counts",
xlab = "Percent of samples", ylab = "Number of genes", las = 1)
arrows(x0 = parameters$gene.filter.percent.zeros,
y0 = 10000,
x1 = parameters$gene.filter.percent.zeros,
y1 = 6000,
col = "red", lwd = 2,
angle = 30, length = 0.1)
text(x = parameters$gene.filter.percent.zeros,
y = 10000,
labels = paste(sep = "", parameters$gene.filter.percent.zeros, "%"),
col = "red", pos = 3)
min.count <- apply(counts.per.gene, 1, min)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0 0 0 6824 938 2168821
hist(log2(min.count + parameters$epsilon), breaks = 100, col = "#BBBBFF",
xlab = "log2(min count per gene)",
ylab = "Number of genes", las = 1,
main = "Filtering on min count per gene")
arrows(x0 = log2(parameters$gene.filter.min.count),
y0 = 3000,
x1 = log2(parameters$gene.filter.min.count),
y1 = 1000,
col = "red", lwd = 2,
angle = 30, length = 0.1)
text(x = log2(parameters$gene.filter.min.count),
y = 3000,
labels = paste(sep = "", "log2(",
") = ", signif(digits = 3, log2(parameters$gene.filter.min.count))),
col = "red", pos = 3)
filtered.out.genes <-
percent.zeros > parameters$gene.filter.percent.zeros |
min.count < parameters$gene.filter.min.count
# table(kept.genes)
## Genes passing the filters
filtered.genes <- !filtered.out.genes
filtered.counts <- counts.per.gene[filtered.genes, ]
We discard “undetected” genes, i.e. those having zero counts in at least 95 percent of the samples, or those with a maximal count inferior to 10. This led us to discard 37788 genes.
We select differentially expressed genes in order to produce a file with a restricted number of genes for clustering.
## Use the DESeqDataSetFromMatrix to create a DESeqDataSet object
message("Creating DESeq2 dataset")
dds0 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
countData = as.data.frame(filtered.counts),
colData = data.frame(cancer.type = as.factor(pheno[, "cancer.type"])),
design = ~ cancer.type)
# print(dds0) # Have a look at the short description of the DESeqDataSet
## PROBLEM: the differential analysis with DESeq2 is stuck.
#@ Probably because there are too many samples ?
## TO DO:
## - test it on IFB cluster
## - test edgeR as selection method
## - select a random subset of the samples
# ## Run differential expression analysis with DESeq2
# message("Running differential expression analysis with DESeq2")
# dds0 <- DESeq(dds0)
# # Cast the results from DESeq differential expression analysis
# DEGtable <- results(dds0, independentFiltering = FALSE)
## Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes (DEG) with edgeR
message("Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes (DEG) with edgeR")
## Build a "model matrix" from the class labels
## This matrix contains one row per sample and one column per class
designMat <- model.matrix(~ pheno$cancer.type)
# View(designMat)
## Build an edgeR::DGEList object which is required to run edgeR DE analysis
dgList <- DGEList(counts = filtered.counts)
# class(dgList)
# is(dgList)
## Estimate the dispersion parameters.
message("\tedgeR\tEstimating dispersion")
dgList <- estimateDisp(dgList, design = designMat)
## Fit edgeR model for differential expression analysis.
## We chose glmQLFit because it is claimed to offer a more accurate control of type I error.
message("\tedgeR\tmodel fitting with glmQLFit()")
fit <- glmQLFit(dgList, design = designMat)
## Run test to detect differentially expressed genes
message("\tedgeR\tdetecting differentially expressed genes with glmQLFTest()")
qlf <- glmQLFTest(fit, coef = 2:ncol(designMat))
qlf.TT <- topTags(qlf, n = nrow(qlf$table), sort.by = "none",
adjust.method = parameters$p.adjust.method)
# class(qlf.TT)
# Note: the adusted p-values are co-linear with the nominal p-value,
## which is not supposed to be the case with BH correction.
## I should test this.
# plot(qlf.TT$table$PValue, qlf.TT$table$FDR, log = "xy", col = "grey")
## Select differentially expressed genes
edgeR.DEG.table <- qlf.TT$table
DEG <- edgeR.DEG.table$FDR < parameters$alpha
# sum(DEG)
## Awful: almost all genes are declared positive
## The p-value histogram shows indeed that almost no gene has
## a nominal pvalue > 0.5 (typical lambda for Storey-Tibshirani 2003).
hist(edgeR.DEG.table$PValue, breaks = 20, col = "grey")
We use DESeq2 function estimateSizeFactors()
to estimate the library-wise size factors, which will be used to standardize the counts.
We then apply a log2 transformation in order to normalize these standardized counts.
## Normalizing using the method for an object of class"CountDataSet"
message("Normalizing count with DESeq2")
dds.norm <- estimateSizeFactors(dds0)
# sizeFactors(dds.norm)
counts.norm <- counts(dds.norm) + parameters$epsilon
# dim(counts.norm)
counts.log2.norm <- log2(counts.norm)
# dim(counts.log2.norm)
log2.count.breaks <- seq(
from = log2(parameters$epsilon),
to = 32,
by = 0.4)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
hist(unlist(log2(unlist(counts.per.gene + parameters$epsilon))), main = "Log2(raw counts)",
xlab = "log2(raw counts + epsilon)",
ylab = "Number of measures",
breaks = log2.count.breaks,
col = "#FFDDBB")
hist(unlist(counts.log2.norm), main = "Normalized counts",
xlab = "log2(standardized counts)",
ylab = "Number of measures",
breaks = log2.count.breaks,
col = "#DDFFBB")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
The selected counts per gene and pheno table were exported in tab-separated value (TSV) format.
pheno.export.columns <- names(pheno)
for (col in pheno.export.columns) {
## Discard columns containing only NA values
nona <- sum(!is.na(pheno[, col]))
if (nona == 0) {
# message("\tDiscarding NA-only pheno column\t", col, "\tnoNA = ", nona)
pheno.export.columns <- setdiff(pheno.export.columns, col)
# Discard columns containing muli-value lists
if (class(pheno[, col]) == "list") {
message("\tDiscarding list-type pheno column\t", col)
pheno.export.columns <- setdiff(pheno.export.columns, col)
message("Exporting ", length(pheno.export.columns), " pheno columns among ", ncol(pheno))
## Export the non-problematic columns of the pheno table
pheno.file <- paste(sep = "", project.acronym, "_pheno.tsv.gz")
pheno.path <- file.path(export.dir, pheno.file)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
pheno.path <- gzfile(pheno.path, "w") ## Compress file
write.table(x = as.data.frame(pheno[, pheno.export.columns]),
file = pheno.path,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
## Export a small subset of relevant fields from the pheno table
pheno.selected.columns <- c(
sample.class.file <- paste(sep = "", project.acronym, "_sample-classes.tsv.gz")
sample.class.path <- file.path(export.dir, sample.class.file)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
sample.class.path <- gzfile(sample.class.path, "w") ## Compress file
write.table(x = as.data.frame(pheno[, pheno.selected.columns]),
file = sample.class.path,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
## Export counts per gene
count.file <- paste(sep = "", project.acronym, "_counts_all-genes.tsv")
count.path <- file.path(export.dir, count.file)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
count.path <- gzfile(count.path, "w") ## Compress file
write.table(x = counts.per.gene,
file = count.path,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
## Export raw counts
filtered.count.file <- paste(sep = "", project.acronym, "_counts_filtered-genes.tsv")
filtered.count.path <- file.path(export.dir, filtered.count.file)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
filtered.count.path <- gzfile(filtered.count.path, "w") ## Compress file
write.table(x = filtered.counts,
file = filtered.count.path,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
# list.files(export.dir)
## Export normalized counts
norm.count.file <- paste(sep = "", project.acronym, "_log2-norm-counts_all-genes.tsv")
norm.count.path <- file.path(export.dir, norm.count.file)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
norm.count.path <- gzfile(norm.count.path, "w") ## Compress file
write.table(x = counts.log2.norm,
file = norm.count.path,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
## Export normalized counts
filtered.norm.count.file <- paste(sep = "", project.acronym, "_log2-norm-counts_filtered-genes.tsv")
filtered.norm.count.path <- file.path(export.dir, filtered.norm.count.file)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
filtered.norm.count.path <- gzfile(filtered.norm.count.path, "w") ## Compress file
# dim(counts.log2.norm)
write.table(x = counts.log2.norm,
file = filtered.norm.count.path,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
## Export normalized counts for DEG only
DEG.norm.count.file <- paste(sep = "", project.acronym, "_log2-norm-counts_DEG_", parameters$p.adjust.method, "_", parameters$alpha, ".tsv")
DEG.norm.count.path <- file.path(export.dir, DEG.norm.count.file)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
DEG.norm.count.path <- gzfile(DEG.norm.count.path, "w") ## Compress file
# dim(counts.log2.norm)
write.table(x = counts.log2.norm[DEG, ],
file = DEG.norm.count.path,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
if (parameters$gzip.output.files) {
Contants | File name |
Export directory | ~/TCGA_import/data/BIC |
Pheno table | ~/TCGA_import/data/BIC |
Counts per gene (all genes) | BIC_counts_all-genes.tsv |
Counts per gene (filtered genes) | BIC_counts_filtered-genes.tsv |
Normalized counts per gene (all genes) | BIC_log2-norm-counts_all-genes.tsv |
Normalized counts per gene (filtered genes) | BIC_log2-norm-counts_filtered-genes.tsv |
Normalized counts per gene (differentially expressed genes) | BIC_log2-norm-counts_DEG_fdr_0.01.tsv |
Contact: Jacques.van-Helden@univ-amu.fr