Goals of this tutorial

This tutorial aims at

  1. Learn to load files from remote locations, either directly or by downloading them to a local folder.

  2. Apply some of the methods taught in the previous courses in order to explore a data set.

  3. Show some convenient ways of combinig R code and markdown elements within an R markdown document in order to obtain a well-formatted scientific report.

    • configuring the parameters in the yaml header of the R markdown file
    • organising the code in R chunks
    • writing, documenting and using an R function
    • generating an ugly figure, improving it and controlling its incorporation in the report (size, legend)

Study case : mouse kidney

As study case for this tutorial, we will use multi-omics data from a study published by Pavkovic et al. (2019), which combines transctiptomics (RNA-seq) and proteomics approaches to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the kidney fibrosis pathology.

The authors applied two commonly used treatments to induce kidney fibrosis in mouse:

  • a reversible chemical-induced injury model, denoted as FA for folic acid induced nephropathy;

  • an irreversible surgically-induced fibrosis model, denoted as UUO for unilateral uretral obstruction.

References and data sources

Data preparation

A description of the study case can be found in the Mus musculus section of the the DUBii study cases repository repository.

We also provide there a detailed explanation of the data preparation steps:

  • downloading the data from its original source repository,
  • exploring the datasets it with various graphical representtions,
  • computing some descriptive statistics on the different samples,
  • pre-processing,
  • storing the results in a memory image.

Data file naming

We prepared the data from Pavkovic as a text file with tab-separated values (tsv files).

All the files are available on github: - https://github.com/DU-Bii/module-3-Stat-R/tree/master/stat-R_2021/data/pavkovic_2019

The files are named according to the following convention:

  • the prefix indicate the data type

    • fa: folic acid induced nephropathy (reversible), transcriptome data
    • pfa: folic acid induced nephropathy, proteome data
    • uuo: unilateral uretral obstruction (irreversible), transcriptome data
    • puuo: unilateral uretral obstruction, proteome data
  • The suffix indicates the data normalisation

    • raw: transcriptome counts provided by the authors (note: not integer, because their raw data was already somehow normalized)
    • normalized¨: transcriptome counts standardized to achieve the same third quartile for each sample
    • log2: log2 transformation for proteome data
  • the metadata files contain a short description of each sample (one row per sample). Note that the last column contains a sample-specific color specification in hexadecimal web color code to facilitate the drawings. Don’t hesitate to chose other colors according to your personal taste.

R style

The R code belows follows the tidyverse styling guide (https://style.tidyverse.org/).

Approach for this tutorial

This tutorial will consist of exercises that can be realised in a stepwise way, with alternance of working sessions and live demos of the solutions, in order to make sure that all the trainees acquire each step.

Data exploration

Before computing any descriptive parameter on a dataset, I generallyi attempt to get a picture of the whole distribution.

Finding a data file on github

We will provide here a magic recipe to download the data from the github repository to your local folder, and to load it in R.

## specify the base URL from which data files can be downloaded 
url_base <- "https://github.com/DU-Bii/module-3-Stat-R/raw/master/stat-R_2021/data/pavkovic_2019"

## Choose a specific data file
data_prefix <- "pfa" ## proteome data of folic-acid treated mouse
data_suffix <- "model" ## no normalization
file_name <- paste0(data_prefix, "_", data_suffix, "_counts.tsv.gz")

## Compose the URL to download the file from github
url <- file.path(url_base, file_name)

message("URL: ",  url)

Loading a data file directly from github

Now we defined the URL, we can easily load the file directly from github to a data frame in our R environement.

## this requires to load a specific package
if (!require("data.table")) {

pfa <- fread(url, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

Downloading a data file and storing it locally once forever

We can now download the data file to a local folder, but we would like to do this only once.

## Specify the path relative to your home directory (~)
local_folder <- "~/DUBii-m3_data/pavkovic_2019"
local_file <- file.path(local_folder, file_name)

## Create the local data folder if it does not exist
dir.create(local_folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

## Download the file ONLY if it is not already there
if (!file.exists(local_file)) {
  message("Downloading file from github to local file\n\t", 
  download.file(url = url, destfile = local_file)
} else {
  message("Local file already exists, no need to download\n\t", 

Loading the local copy of your data file

We will now load the proteome file, with the following parameters

  • the first row contains the column headers
  • the first columnt contains the protein IDs, and we would like to have them as row.names for the loaded data frame. This is a bit tricky because some protein names are diplicated. We use the very convenient function make.names(x, unique = TRUE).
## Load the data from the local file
pfa <- read.delim(file = local_file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

kable(head(pfa), caption = "Data frame just after loading")
Data frame just after loading
id normal_1 normal_2 day1_1 day1_2 day2_1 day2_2 day7_1 day7_2 day14_1 day14_2
ENSMUSG00000037686 531.2680 651.7200 335.5910 334.8460 197.1740 307.194 123.2060 272.6190 93.7247 196.1590
ENSMUSG00000027831 221.6020 266.3590 175.4090 159.4190 234.8080 256.927 149.9380 315.0590 110.5880 126.3600
ENSMUSG00000039201 26.0723 29.1331 57.7329 45.8475 81.6009 88.870 29.8560 44.5586 13.6292 27.6568
ENSMUSG00000031095 4363.0500 4784.0800 4064.4800 3917.2900 4599.0300 5957.030 2806.5200 6792.0900 2022.5100 3226.7500
ENSMUSG00000034931 879.2790 1065.3900 914.2870 928.2760 1000.1000 1264.270 738.3520 1362.0700 466.4440 714.5870
ENSMUSG00000038208 68.2225 89.8871 57.9041 76.3510 84.8474 105.245 72.8696 138.9810 40.8101 59.2117
## Convert the first colum to row names
row.names(pfa) <- make.names(as.vector(pfa$id), unique = TRUE)
pfa <- pfa[, -1] ## Suppress the ID colimn
kable(head(pfa), caption = "Data frame with row names")
Data frame with row names
normal_1 normal_2 day1_1 day1_2 day2_1 day2_2 day7_1 day7_2 day14_1 day14_2
ENSMUSG00000037686 531.2680 651.7200 335.5910 334.8460 197.1740 307.194 123.2060 272.6190 93.7247 196.1590
ENSMUSG00000027831 221.6020 266.3590 175.4090 159.4190 234.8080 256.927 149.9380 315.0590 110.5880 126.3600
ENSMUSG00000039201 26.0723 29.1331 57.7329 45.8475 81.6009 88.870 29.8560 44.5586 13.6292 27.6568
ENSMUSG00000031095 4363.0500 4784.0800 4064.4800 3917.2900 4599.0300 5957.030 2806.5200 6792.0900 2022.5100 3226.7500
ENSMUSG00000034931 879.2790 1065.3900 914.2870 928.2760 1000.1000 1264.270 738.3520 1362.0700 466.4440 714.5870
ENSMUSG00000038208 68.2225 89.8871 57.9041 76.3510 84.8474 105.245 72.8696 138.9810 40.8101 59.2117

Writing a function to download a file only once

Write a functions that will download a file from a remote location to a local folder, but do this only if the local file is not yet present there.

Note that we use the roxygen2 format to write the documentation of this function. In any programming language, a function should always be documented in order to enable other people to use it, and the doc is also very useful for a developer to reuse her/his own code. The documentation becomes particularly interesting when you start building your own R packages, since it will automatically generate the help pages.

The documentation of a function should include - a description of what it does - the author name and a way to contact her/him - a description of each parameter (argument) of the function - a description of the return value

Roxygen2 provides is a very convenient way of documenting a function, because - the formalism is very simple - the doc comes together with the code of the function (by default, R functions are documented in a separate file)

#' @title Download a file only if it is not yet here
#' @author Jacques van Helden email{Jacques.van-Helden@@france-bioinformatique.fr}
#' @param url_base base of the URL, that will be prepended to the file name
#' @param file_name name of the file (should not contain any path)
#' @param local_folder path of a local folder where the file should be stored
#' @return the function returns the path of the local file, built from local_folder and file_name
#' @export
download_only_once <- function(url_base, 
                             local_folder) {

  ## Define the source URL  
  url <- file.path(url_base, file_name)
  message("Source URL\n\t",  url)

  ## Define the local file
  local_file <- file.path(local_folder, file_name)
  ## Create the local data folder if it does not exist
  dir.create(local_folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  ## Download the file ONLY if it is not already there
  if (!file.exists(local_file)) {
    message("Downloading file from source URL to local file\n\t", 
    download.file(url = url, destfile = local_file)
  } else {
    message("Local file already exists, no need to download\n\t", 

We can now use our new function download_only_once() to download the files from the folic acid dataset and store them in a local folder. We will download successively :

  • transcriptome data (fa)
  • transcriptome medata
  • proteome data (pfa)
  • proteome medata
## Specify the basic parameters
pavkovic_base <- "https://github.com/DU-Bii/module-3-Stat-R/raw/master/stat-R_2021/data/pavkovic_2019"
pavkovic_folder <- "~/DUBii-m3_data/pavkovic_2019"

#### Dowload folic acid data and metadata ####

## Transcriptome data table
local_fa_file <- download_only_once(
  url_base = pavkovic_base, 
  file_name = "fa_raw_counts.tsv.gz",
  local_folder =  pavkovic_folder

## Normalised transcriptome data table
local_fa_norm_file <- download_only_once(
  url_base = pavkovic_base, 
  file_name = "fa_normalized_counts.tsv.gz",
  local_folder =  pavkovic_folder

## Transcriptome metadata
fa_metadata_file <- download_only_once(
  url_base = pavkovic_base, 
  file_name = "fa_transcriptome_metadata.tsv",
  local_folder =  pavkovic_folder

## FA proteome data table
local_pfa_file <- download_only_once(
  url_base = pavkovic_base, 
  file_name = "pfa_model_counts.tsv.gz",
  local_folder =  pavkovic_folder

## FA proteome metadata
pfa_metadata_file <- download_only_once(
  url_base = pavkovic_base, 
  file_name = "pfa_proteome_metadata.tsv",
  local_folder =  pavkovic_folder

## UUO proteome data table
local_puuo_file <- download_only_once(
  url_base = pavkovic_base, 
  file_name = "puuo_model_counts.tsv.gz",
  local_folder =  pavkovic_folder

After having run the chunk of code above, try to re-run it. In principle, you should just receive messages telling you that the files are already there.

Loading the files

We now write a function load_fix_row_names() that loads a data file and takes a specified column as row names, whilst automatically fixing potential problems due to duplicate labels in this column.

#' @title Load a tab-separated value file and manually set row ames after having forced them to unique values
#' @author Jacques van Helden email{Jacques.van-Helden@@france-bioinformatique.fr}
#' @param file file path
#' @param header=1 Header is set to 1 by default
#' @param sep="\t" Column separator is set to tab by default
#' @param rownames.col=1 Column containing the row names
#' @param ... all other parameters are passed to read.delim()
#' @return a data frame with the loaded data
load_fix_row_names <- function(file, 
                       header = 1, 
                       sep = "\t",
                       rownames.col = 1, 
                       ...) {
  x <- read.delim(file = file, ...)
  rownames(x) <- make.names(x[, rownames.col], unique = TRUE)
  x <- x[, -rownames.col]

We can now load the data from our local folder.

## Load transcriptome data (raw counts)
fa_by_read_delim <- read.delim(file = local_fa_file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)

## Check the first lines of the loaded file
# dim(fa)
message("Loaded raw counts of FA transcriptome raw counts with read_delim(): ", 
        nrow(fa_by_read_delim), " rows x ", ncol(fa_by_read_delim), " columns")
kable(head(fa_by_read_delim), caption = "FA transcriptome loaded with read.delim()")
FA transcriptome loaded with read.delim()
rowname day1_1 day1_2 day1_3 day14_1 day14_2 day14_3 day2_1 day2_2 day2_3 day3_1 day3_2 day3_3 day7_1 day7_2 day7_3 normal_1 normal_2 normal_3
ENSMUSG00000000001 2278.80022 1786.498848 2368.618959 627.758017 559.156031 611.4338605 2145.223456 262.454849 745.843632 987.1850529 1077.645231 1335.116771 1096.075988 1035.8458456 1090.0375905 483.2298191 1842.14841 475.696800
ENSMUSG00000000003 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000028 36.27547 22.147861 39.484949 14.470759 10.167813 31.6910193 300.558779 4.771672 123.896184 51.8555945 8.434511 69.936866 6.665195 6.9552273 42.5783251 7.3515305 11.19676 1.034465
ENSMUSG00000000031 13.18853 7.151932 1.115304 0.867429 0.000000 0.0000000 1.711944 0.000000 5.260747 0.8022308 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.8489214 1.7106814 0.8603067 0.00000 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000037 0.00000 27.903213 6.897842 5.692254 1.901719 0.6549762 57.382077 0.000000 38.898261 8.9308534 6.966606 0.000000 7.939323 101.6481244 0.6500858 32.0575944 10.42322 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000049 30.86001 4.861367 51.466810 26.152649 1.968290 55.8319868 10.796186 2.747397 1.805883 0.9468345 26.954566 7.666032 32.235700 6.7001171 33.9132330 27.7647071 38.42445 15.903837
## Load the same data with load_fix_row_names
fa <- load_fix_row_names(file = local_fa_file, rownames.col = 1)
message("Loaded raw counts of FA transcriptome raw counts with load_fix_row_names(): ", 
        nrow(fa), " rows x ", ncol(fa), " columns")
kable(head(fa), caption = "FA transcriptome loaded with load_fix_row_names()")
FA transcriptome loaded with load_fix_row_names()
day1_1 day1_2 day1_3 day14_1 day14_2 day14_3 day2_1 day2_2 day2_3 day3_1 day3_2 day3_3 day7_1 day7_2 day7_3 normal_1 normal_2 normal_3
ENSMUSG00000000001 2278.80022 1786.498848 2368.618959 627.758017 559.156031 611.4338605 2145.223456 262.454849 745.843632 987.1850529 1077.645231 1335.116771 1096.075988 1035.8458456 1090.0375905 483.2298191 1842.14841 475.696800
ENSMUSG00000000003 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000028 36.27547 22.147861 39.484949 14.470759 10.167813 31.6910193 300.558779 4.771672 123.896184 51.8555945 8.434511 69.936866 6.665195 6.9552273 42.5783251 7.3515305 11.19676 1.034465
ENSMUSG00000000031 13.18853 7.151932 1.115304 0.867429 0.000000 0.0000000 1.711944 0.000000 5.260747 0.8022308 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.8489214 1.7106814 0.8603067 0.00000 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000037 0.00000 27.903213 6.897842 5.692254 1.901719 0.6549762 57.382077 0.000000 38.898261 8.9308534 6.966606 0.000000 7.939323 101.6481244 0.6500858 32.0575944 10.42322 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000049 30.86001 4.861367 51.466810 26.152649 1.968290 55.8319868 10.796186 2.747397 1.805883 0.9468345 26.954566 7.666032 32.235700 6.7001171 33.9132330 27.7647071 38.42445 15.903837
# hist(unlist(fa), breaks = 100)

## Load normalised data with load_fix_row_names
fa_norm <- load_fix_row_names(file = local_fa_norm_file, rownames.col = 1)
message("Loaded raw counts of FA transcriptome normalised counts with load_fix_row_names(): ", 
        nrow(fa_norm), " rows x ", ncol(fa_norm), " columns")
# dim(fa_norm)
kable(head(fa_norm), caption = "First lines of the loaded normalised counts of FA transcriptome with load_fix_row_names()")
First lines of the loaded normalised counts of FA transcriptome with load_fix_row_names()
day1_1 day1_2 day1_3 day14_1 day14_2 day14_3 day2_1 day2_2 day2_3 day3_1 day3_2 day3_3 day7_1 day7_2 day7_3 normal_1 normal_2 normal_3
ENSMUSG00000000001 2711.22417 1094.745589 1331.5880610 728.668808 603.846446 646.124076 1185.658698 1239.4695 829.596362 928.1069573 1110.908359 951.071644 953.722863 1008.0265279 1001.4667413 719.032852 1247.299971 809.375515
ENSMUSG00000000003 0.00000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000028 42.82759 13.485108 21.9214582 16.244209 10.802262 33.839559 166.379146 23.6540 137.895374 48.8972257 8.244218 49.868925 6.091296 6.8109901 39.5074036 10.420766 7.448588 1.700369
ENSMUSG00000000031 15.46552 4.290716 0.5620887 1.160301 0.000000 0.000000 1.105509 0.0000 5.560297 0.9403313 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.9729986 1.8375537 1.488681 0.000000 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000037 0.00000 17.162865 3.9346207 6.961804 2.160452 1.057486 31.507014 0.0000 43.370319 8.4629814 7.213691 0.000000 6.961481 99.2458551 0.9187768 47.637787 6.771444 0.000000
ENSMUSG00000000049 36.87931 3.064797 28.6665222 30.167817 2.160452 59.219228 6.080301 14.1924 2.224119 0.9403313 27.824235 5.699306 27.845923 6.8109901 31.2384121 41.683064 25.731487 27.205900
## Load FA proteome data
pfa <- load_fix_row_names(file = local_pfa_file, rownames.col = 1)
message("Loaded raw counts of FA proteome (pfa)  with load_fix_row_names(): ", 
        nrow(pfa), " rows x ", ncol(pfa), " columns")
# dim(pfa)

## Load UUO proteome data
puuo <- load_fix_row_names(file = local_puuo_file, rownames.col = 1)
message("Loaded raw counts of UUO proteome (puuo)  with load_fix_row_names(): ", 
        nrow(puuo), " rows x ", ncol(puuo), " columns")
# dim(pfa)

## Check the first lines of the loaded file
kable(head(pfa), caption = "First lines of the proteome table")
First lines of the proteome table
normal_1 normal_2 day1_1 day1_2 day2_1 day2_2 day7_1 day7_2 day14_1 day14_2
ENSMUSG00000037686 531.2680 651.7200 335.5910 334.8460 197.1740 307.194 123.2060 272.6190 93.7247 196.1590
ENSMUSG00000027831 221.6020 266.3590 175.4090 159.4190 234.8080 256.927 149.9380 315.0590 110.5880 126.3600
ENSMUSG00000039201 26.0723 29.1331 57.7329 45.8475 81.6009 88.870 29.8560 44.5586 13.6292 27.6568
ENSMUSG00000031095 4363.0500 4784.0800 4064.4800 3917.2900 4599.0300 5957.030 2806.5200 6792.0900 2022.5100 3226.7500
ENSMUSG00000034931 879.2790 1065.3900 914.2870 928.2760 1000.1000 1264.270 738.3520 1362.0700 466.4440 714.5870
ENSMUSG00000038208 68.2225 89.8871 57.9041 76.3510 84.8474 105.245 72.8696 138.9810 40.8101 59.2117
## Load proteome metadata
pfa_metadata <- read.delim(file = pfa_metadata_file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
kable(pfa_metadata, caption = "Metadata for the FA proteome dataset")
Metadata for the FA proteome dataset
dataType sampleName condition sampleNumber color
proteome normal_1 normal 1 #BBFFBB
proteome normal_2 normal 2 #BBFFBB
proteome day1_1 day1 1 #FFFFDD
proteome day1_2 day1 2 #FFFFDD
proteome day2_1 day2 1 #BBD7FF
proteome day2_2 day2 1 #BBD7FF
proteome day7_1 day7 1 #FFDD88
proteome day7_2 day7 2 #FFDD88
proteome day14_1 day14 1 #FF4400
proteome day14_2 day14 2 #FF4400
## Load transcriptome metadata
fa_metadata <- read.delim(file = fa_metadata_file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
kable(fa_metadata, caption = "Metadata for the transcriptome dataset")
Metadata for the transcriptome dataset
dataType sampleName condition sampleNumber color
transcriptome day14_1 day14 1 #FF4400
transcriptome day14_2 day14 2 #FF4400
transcriptome day14_3 day14 3 #FF4400
transcriptome day1_1 day1 1 #BBD7FF
transcriptome day1_2 day1 2 #BBD7FF
transcriptome day1_3 day1 3 #BBD7FF
transcriptome day2_1 day2 1 #F0BBFF
transcriptome day2_2 day2 2 #F0BBFF
transcriptome day2_3 day2 3 #F0BBFF
transcriptome day3_1 day3 1 #FFFFDD
transcriptome day3_2 day3 2 #FFFFDD
transcriptome day3_3 day3 3 #FFFFDD
transcriptome day7_1 day7 1 #FFDD88
transcriptome day7_2 day7 2 #FFDD88
transcriptome day7_3 day7 3 #FFDD88
transcriptome normal_1 normal 1 #BBFFBB
transcriptome normal_2 normal 2 #BBFFBB
transcriptome normal_3 normal 3 #BBFFBB

We can now use this function to download and load the different data files.

Graphical exploration of the data


Draw histograms of the transcriptome and proteom data, all samples together.

pfa_vector <- unlist(as.vector(pfa))

Let us now improve the histogram to get an intuition of our data. A first step is to increase the number of bins, with the

hist(pfa_vector, breaks = 200)

The distribution is stronly right-skewed, and its most representative part is “compressed” on the left side of the graph. As shown below, a log2 transformation provides a more informative view of the data.

## Plot the histogram of log2-transformed proteome data
## Note: we add an epsilon of 0.1 in order to avoid problems with null values
hist(log2(pfa_vector + 0.1), breaks = 100)

Enhancing the figure

## Improve the histogram
## - add a title, axis labels, coloring, ...
## - increase readaility by writing each parameter on a separate line
hist(log2(pfa_vector + 0.1), 
     breaks = seq(from = -4, to = 20, by = 0.1),
     col = "#BBDDFF",
     border = "#88AAFF",
     las = 1, # I like to read the labels
     xlab = "log2(x)", 
     ylab = "Number of observations", 
     main = "Proteome, folic-acid treated samples")

Controlling the insertion of images in an R markdown report

We will now add a some options to the header of the R chunk in the R markdown, in order to control the way this figure is inserted in the report. Note that the chunk header must come on a single line.

```{r fa_hist_log2_sized, out.width="75%", fig.width=7, fig.height=4, fig.cap="Distribution of log2-transformed values for the proteome of folic acid-treated samples (data from Pavcovic et al., 2019)"}

  • fig.height and fig.width specify the size of the figure generated by R. These parameters are convenient to ensure proper proportions between height and widths, but also to incresae the readability of the labels (if you increasa the size, the fonts will look smaller).

  • out.width enables you to control the width occupied by your figure in the HTML or pdf report.

  • fig.cap enables you to add a caption to the figure

## Improve the histogram
## - add a title, axis labels, coloring, ...
## - increase readaility by writing each parameter on a separate line
     breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 20, by = 0.1),
     col = "#BBDDFF",
     border = "#88AAFF",
     las = 1, # I like to read the labels
     xlab = "log2(x)", 
     ylab = "Number of observations", 
     main = "Proteome, folic-acid treated samples")
Distribution of log2-transformed values for the proteome of folic acid-treated samples (data from Pavcovic et al., 2019)

Distribution of log2-transformed values for the proteome of folic acid-treated samples (data from Pavcovic et al., 2019)

Box plots

Here is an example of code for a log2 boxplot ofthe fa data that uses the metadata tables to set up the colors.

Proteome data

## Box plot of the transcriptome data before and after normalisation
par_ori <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) ## Store the original parameters in order to restore them afterwards
par(mar = c(4, 6, 5, 1)) ## Adapt the margins of the boxplot in order to have enough space for sample labels
par(mfrow = c(1,2)) ## Two side-by-side panes

## Compute the log2 of the proteome data
## Note: we add an epsilon of 0.1 to avoid problems with null values
log2pfa <- log2(pfa + 0.1)

        col = pfa_metadata$color,
        horizontal = TRUE, 
        las = 1, 
        main = "Proteome, original values", 
        xlab = "value")

        col = pfa_metadata$color,
        horizontal = TRUE, 
        las = 1, 
        main = "Proteome, log2-transformed", 
        xlab = "log2(value)")
Box plots of proteome data before (left) and after (right) log2 transformation.

Box plots of proteome data before (left) and after (right) log2 transformation.


The box plots show the distribution of the data before (left) and after (right) log2 transformation.

Transcriptome data

The transcriptome data is providedd

## Box plot of the transcriptome data before and after normalisation
par_ori <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) ## Store the original parameters in order to restore them afterwards
par(mar = c(4, 6, 5, 1)) ## Adapt the margins of the boxplot in order to have enough space for sample labels
par(mfrow = c(2,2)) ## 4 panels, with 2 rows and 2 columns

## Counts before and after normalisation, but no log2 transformation

## Raw counts
        col = fa_metadata$color,
        horizontal = TRUE, 
        las = 1, 
        main = "FA transcriptome\nraw counts", 
        xlab = "counts")

## Normalised transcriptome data
        col = fa_metadata$color,
        horizontal = TRUE, 
        las = 1, 
        main = "FA transcriptome\nnormalised counts", 
        xlab = "counts")

## Compute the log2 of the transcriptome data
## Note: we add an epsilon of 0.1 to avoid problems with null values
log2fa <- log2(fa + 0.1)
log2fa_norm <- log2(fa_norm + 0.1)

## Raw counts
        col = fa_metadata$color,
        horizontal = TRUE, 
        las = 1, 
        main = "FA transcriptome\nlog2raw (counts)", 
        xlab = "log2(counts)")

## Normalised transcriptome data
        col = fa_metadata$color,
        horizontal = TRUE, 
        las = 1, 
        main = "FA transcriptome\nlog2(normalised counts)", 
        xlab = "log2(normalised counts)")
Box plots of transcriptome data before (left) and after (right) normalisation. All values are log2 transformed.

Box plots of transcriptome data before (left) and after (right) normalisation. All values are log2 transformed.



  1. The raw and normalised counts (top) show a strongly right-skewed distribution due to the presence of outliers. In each sample, a very few genes have very high values (25 miilion counts !). Such outliers can be really problematic because they will exert a very strong effect on the subsequent analyses (PCA, clustering, or any other analysis that relies on distances between samples). For PCA, we recommend to use the log2-transformed values.

  2. The log2 transformation (bottom) mittigates the impact of these outliers. The bottom right panel shows that all the samples have the same third quartile (right side of the boxplot rectangle), thereby indicating the method used to standardise this method.

  3. For all samples, the third quartile equals the minimal value, indicating that at least 25% of the genes had a null count.

  4. The sample day2_2 has a median value equal to its minimal value, indicating that at least 50% of the genes have null value in this sample.

Exercise: PCA of Pavkovicz data

As an exercise, we ask you to insert here your analysis of Pavkovicz data with the PCA methods presented in the session 4 of this course. Try to generate nice figures that will give you insight into the structure of the 4 datasets : transcriptome and proteome for the two respective treatments (folic acid and surgery, respectively).

For this, you should first download a copy of the R markdown source, install it in a local folder, and run knitr to compile an HTML or pdf report. If this works, you will start adding your own chunks of code and interpretation of the results.

Tips: - play with the scale options of the PC transformation - test if the 3rd and 4th components provide additional information than the 1st and 2nd components - compare the results obtained with the raw and normalised data sets, respectively - test the PCA with and without log2 transformation

It is not necessary to show all the results in this report, only select the most informative plots.

At the end, we expect to find here the most relevant figures resulting from this exploration, with a short explanation of - the parameters you chose for the analysis (normalised or not, log2 transformed or not, PC scaling or not, …) - some interpretation of the results in term of positioning of the samples on the components.

Don’t hesitate to call the team in case of trouble.

Save a memory image of your session

Use the function save.image() to store an image of your session, in a file pavkovic_memory_image.Rdata in the local folder specified above. This file will contain all the data that you loaded during this session, and enable you to reload everything without having to re-execute all the steps.

## Define the path to the memory image file
memory_image_file <- file.path(local_folder, "pavkovic_memory_image.Rdata")

## Save the memory image
save.image(file = memory_image_file)

message("Memory image saved in file\n\t", memory_image_file)

For a future session, you will be able to reload all the data with a single command:


You will need to replace [path_to_your_memory_image] by your actual path. In my case, the command becomes:


Save your session info

For the sake of traceability, store the specifications of your R environment in the report, with the command sessionInfo(). This will indicate the version of R as wella sof all the libraries used in this notebook.

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] knitr_1.31

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] digest_0.6.27     R6_2.5.0          jsonlite_1.7.2    magrittr_2.0.1    evaluate_0.14     highr_0.8         rlang_0.4.10      stringi_1.5.3     jquerylib_0.1.3   bslib_0.2.4       rmarkdown_2.7     tools_4.0.2       stringr_1.4.0     xfun_0.22         yaml_2.2.1        compiler_4.0.2   
[17] htmltools_0.5.1.1 sass_0.3.1